The Bathtub Cooker
HVAC, Electrical, and a Bathtub.... one of these things doesn't belong.
5/8/20231 min read

We were working on a bathroom in Neptune Beach when we noticed we had an issue. Typically taking a bathtub out includes detaching and then giving a few good pulls. Well, thank goodness we didn't give this tub too hard of a tug. After further inspection, we noticed that the HVAC and electricity for the house were run through the bathtub, right through the cast iron spacer. Had we pulled hard enough on that tub, it could have been deadly.
We were able to cut off the spacers, safely lift the tub directly up over the wires, and install the new tub safely.
I know that HGTV makes "demo day" look nice and easy, but if you are doing it yourself, take your time! It can save you a lot of money to do your own demo if you have the time and the capability. If you do and things escalate, make sure you know when to stop and call in a professional. Take lots of before pictures - not only for your own records but so that a contractor can come in and know where you started. In fact, if you know you are going to bring in a contractor, bring them in from the start. Tell them what work you plan to do and work that into your pricing.